與你快樂「童」行 Walking with children happily4月8日有來自理工大學崇德社的的義工為中心小朋友舉辦與你快樂「童」行活動,小朋友都十分享受參與智力遊戲和團體遊戲的時間。 On 8 April, volunteers from Hong Kong Polytechnic University Zonta Club hold a programme for children in our centre. Children enjoyed the time to play cognitive and mass game together. 查看更多活動相片。Click here to see more photos.
4月8日有來自理工大學崇德社的的義工為中心小朋友舉辦與你快樂「童」行活動,小朋友都十分享受參與智力遊戲和團體遊戲的時間。 On 8 April, volunteers from Hong Kong Polytechnic University Zonta Club hold a programme for children in our centre. Children enjoyed the time to play cognitive and mass game together. 查看更多活動相片。Click here to see more photos.