麵包小廚師 Be a Baking Chef8位小朋友在2月4日參與麵包小廚師活動,義工Emily和Bonnie與小朋友一同製作創意麵包,小朋友都十分投入參與。 8 children joined the program Be a Baking Chef on 4 Feb. With the help of volunteer Emily and Bonnie, children were excited and happy to make their creative bread. 查看更多活動相片。Click here to see more photos.
8位小朋友在2月4日參與麵包小廚師活動,義工Emily和Bonnie與小朋友一同製作創意麵包,小朋友都十分投入參與。 8 children joined the program Be a Baking Chef on 4 Feb. With the help of volunteer Emily and Bonnie, children were excited and happy to make their creative bread. 查看更多活動相片。Click here to see more photos.