由香港樂童行與香港愛樂團合辦、九龍北區扶輪社為支持夥伴的「弦樂牽童心」慈善音樂會已經圓滿落幕啦 !
我們除了邀請到知名小提琴家王敬先生及著名指揮家趙啟強先生奏上布拉姆斯及華格納的名曲,更特別安排了音樂會預演活動 , 讓才華橫溢的兒童音樂大使 - Chloe Chan and Elizabeth Stewart和香港樂童行的小提琴三重奏有機會表演,一展他們的身手!
香港樂童行再一次感謝我們的支持者及贊助商 HK01/01心意、GATT Wines 、Maxim's Cafe 大會堂美心餐廳 ,你們的善心讓更多小朋友獲得學習音樂的機會。我們將於7月啟動新的小提琴班、鋼琴班、唱歌班等音樂課程,讓更多基層兒童及青少年接觸音樂,快樂成長!
"Heartstrings For Kids" The Hub Hong Kong Charity Concert
Presented by SAR Philharmonic Orchestra, together with The Hub Hong Kong and supporting partner Rotary Club Kowloon North, "Heartstrings for Kids" Charity Concert closed on a beautiful note a few nights ago.
Our heartfelt thanks to internationally acclaimed violin soloist Mr Wang Jing and renowned conductor Mr K. K. Chiu for an amazing performance of some of the most well-known songs from Brahm and Wagner. We are especially pleased to have invited two young talented musicians - Chloe Chan and Elizabeth Stewart to stage a pre-concert performance for us. The violin trio from The Hub Hong Kong also impressed the audience with their debut performance.
Thanks to our donors for sponsoring 60 families from The Hub to come and enjoy the concert with us. All the parents were amazed how focused their children were when enchanted by music and all hope that their children could also receive music education.
On behalf of The Hub Hong Kong, we would like to thank all our generous supporters and event sponsors including HK01, GATT Wines and Maxim's Cafe. Your generosity will help to enable more children to learn through music. We will start new violin, piano and singing lessons from July onwards.
For further donations please visit: https://thehubhk.org/donate
#弦樂牽童心 #HeartstringsforKids #慈善音樂會 #CharityConcert #香港樂童行 #TheHubHKCharity #HK01 #01心意 #Heart01 #用音樂啟迪童心 #InspireChildrenWithMusic