AustCham Christmas Mix
It's been the 3rd year of AustCham helped collect Christmas presents for the Hub children. At their Christmas Mix event on 14 Dec 2017, they collected 42 presents and donated HK$20,000 to The Hub. Our board member Tin Wong represented The Hub to receive the generous donation from AustCham's Chief Executive Jacinta Reddan.
Congrats to Alex Oxford, the chair of AustCham Young Executive, winning the Silent Auction of a 3-night trip to Bali on the evening. Thank you for your kind support!
今年是香港及澳門澳洲商人協會(The Australian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and Macau)第3年為香港樂童行向其會員收集聖誕禮物送予本中心的兒童。AustCham於12月14日晚上舉辦聖誕活動並收集到42份由參與者捐出的聖誕禮物。
除了聖誕禮物外, 當晚AustCham的首席行政Jacinta Reddan將2萬元的捐款支票, 交予香港樂童行的行政委員Tin Wong。
另外恭喜Alex Oxford於當晚的無聲競投中贏得3晚的巴厘島之旅。很感謝您的支持!